Celebrating Holidays from Your Own Culture in Pattaya

Pattaya is a popular destination for people from all over the world. The city attracts people from all walks of life, many of whom stay permanently, making it a melting pot of different cultures and beliefs. The people living in Pattaya that come from elsewhere have also bought with them a huge range of different customs and rituals. This also includes different holidays, and you will find that different holidays from all over the world are celebrated to a degree in Pattaya. Some are quite niche and are celebrated only among certain communities. Others, such as Christmas, are far more popular and are celebrated by the population in general.


If you are looking to celebrate Christmas or any other holiday in Pattaya, then you should be able to find what you need. Just ask around and there are likely to be some people that can help or give advice.

Celebratory Meals

It doesn’t matter what you are celebrating, food and drink is nearly always an essential aspect. Where Christmas is concerned the dinner is, for many people, the most important part of all. It is a great opportunity for the whole family to come together and share a delicious meal. The good news is that you will find plenty of opportunity in Pattaya to celebrate Christmas with a fantastic meal.

If you have a house with a kitchen and you are up to the challenge, you will find all that you need to cook a Christmas dinner yourself. The city is home to plenty of shops that import food and other items from other countries, meaning that there will be no shortage of the ingredients you need. Just bear in mind that turkeys will be in high demand, so order early to make sure you don’t miss out. If you don’t have the facilities, or if you’d just rather not cook yourself, you will find plenty of western pubs and restaurants that will be serving a Christmas dinner. As before, though, make sure you book in advance as seats are likely to be in high demand.

If it is a celebratory meal for another event you are looking for, you will find restaurants and other venues catering to a wide range of different cultures.

Gifts and Shopping

Although Christmas is not a traditional holiday in Thailand, you will still find that many stores are geared up towards it. Modern shopping malls will adopt a Christmas theme to help encourage the Christmas spirit, and will stock up with plenty of Christmas related items for shoppers. You will also find that many smaller shops will also get into the Christmas spirit, providing many more excellent gift opportunities for shoppers.

Christmas and New Year Drinks

In addition to food and shopping, Christmas and new year is also a great time to relax with a drink or two. Pattaya is definitely the right place to be in that regard, and there is no shortage of places to have a drink. The city has many bars, pubs and restaurants to choose from. There are also many shops which sell a wide range of alcohol and other drinks to enjoy at home.

New year is generally celebrated by Thais as well as expats, and many venues will be hosting celebrations to help you welcome in the new year. Pubs and nightclubs will be open late, and there will be many fireworks displays on the beach and elsewhere in the city.

Public Holidays

While some western businesses will close for Christmas day, it should be noted that Christmas day is not a national holiday in Thailand. Banks and Thai schools will still be open, and it will be business as usual for much of the city. While this can be a very useful thing, it is also something that could potentially be inconvenient. You should make any necessary plans in advance to help overcome any inconvenience that might be caused. New Year’s Day, however, is a national holiday, meaning that the banks and schools will be closed. Again, this should be taken into consideration in advance to help avoid any inconvenience.

Thailand, and Pattaya in particular, is well-known for its welcoming approach to other cultures and celebrations. Even if the Thais themselves don’t join in, you will find that they will at least be very tolerant of your own celebrations. In such a multicultural city, you will also find that you will likely have little difficulty in finding like-minded people that will be delighted to celebrate with you. Just be respectful of the Thai’s culture, and you will be free to celebrate pretty much what you like.